
Building the Wall

The cold war

The Cold War developed after WWII between the Untited States and the Soviet Union. The Cold War was waged on political and economic reasons and had only limited recource to weapons. The Cold War began after the surrender from Nazi Germany in 1945. The Cold War reached its peak in 1948-53. In this period, the Soviets unsuccessfully blockaded the Western-held sectors of West Berlin in 1948. The United States and their European allies formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which is also named NATO. From 1953 to 1957 Cold War tensions settled down, and the death of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin in 1953. The Cold War ended in 1991 because of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, people could finally see their families. With a lot of speed, the iron curtain was lifted and the Cold War Came to an end and everyone was happy.

Image result for cuban missile crisisEast German police close the border between East and West Berlin after thousands of refugees flee -

Cubin Missle Crises.                                                                         Newspaper on the wall being sealed off.

The Wall

The wall was put up in 1961.It was a 96 mile long wall. It had mines, dotted with soldiers trained to shoot people that crossed. When the wall went up in 1961, everyone was shocked. People lost their jobs, lost their family, and became poor. It was built with concrete, barbed wired fence, and towers loaded with troops to shoot anybody that crossed, big or small. The two sides were divided into two, West was capitalists and the East was Communists. People called the wall a literal iron curtain. On the night of August 12-13 1961, the East German guards put at least 30 miles of barbed wire fence. When they put the wall up they predicted to have it up for 28 years.